Product Details
Due to an EU regulation, we are not allowed to list here all effects that are associated with the product.
For further information please call us on 03136 52573
Oil is simply part of a healthy BARF diet! It is best to alternate between 2-3 oils.
We suggest: coconut oil, linseed oil, hemp oil, olive oil, walnut oil, poppy seed oil, salmon oil, etc. best cold pressed.
Analytical Values:
100% crude fat of which 92% saturated fatty acids
6.5% monounsaturated fatty acids
1.5% polyunsaturated fatty acids
lauric acid 45-51%
myristic acid 16.5-20.8%
caprylic acid 9.2-12.5%.
The oil can be fed or applied directly to the animal's coat.
small dogs and cats: approx. 0.5 tsp. daily
medium dogs: approx. 1 tsp. daily
large dogs: approx. 1,5 TL daily