Product Details
Field of application:
Supplementary feed for pets that can barely be tamed, that lack inner balance and calmness causing them to appear hyperactive and hectic. Even among animals there are many different characters. There are those who have an even temper and those who are rather hectic and unbalanced.
Signs of imbalance:
Hectic behaviour
Seemingly hyperactive mind
Quick enthusiasm for everything
Dogs & cats: 3-6 times 4 globules each day
Small animals: 3-6 times 2 globules each day
The globules can be mixed into the food or dissolved in water. The globules can also be "hidden" in a treat, e.g. liver sausage, or given into the flew.
AniForte® Bach flowers are created by carefully applying Bach flowers to the sugar balls by hand.
It is possible to give several varieties of AniForte® Bach flowers at the same time. However, we advise not giving more than 2 different Bach Flower Combinations on any one day.
Good to know:
AniForte® Bach flowers are freely available. They can be administered to pets without any further precautions and have no side effects.
Store in a cool and dry place.